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This paper clarify the need for fictional narratives in which
the disease plays a part since they will provide the main context in
which young children learn to cope with the realities associated with
HIV/AIDS through education. It posits that Zimbabwean childrens literature
should also depict the conceptual framework within which health, human interaction and sexuality are understood in relation to the epidemic.
Community resistance to a peer education programme in Zimbabwe:
This paper provides a detailed case study of communityand local health
worker perceptions of a, at the time, state-of-the-art peer education
HIV prevention programmein Zimbabwe. It draws attention to how a poor
fit between global expectations and local realities undermined the outcome
of the intervention.
Standing Education on its Head -Aspects of Schooling in a World with
HIV/AIDS: This paper a world with AIDS must the process,
methodology, role and organization of school education in a world with
HIV/AIDS must be radically altered.
Hope Academy & Medical Center